Take Your Children To Work Day

Geronimo Pug (left) Sir Templeton "Bing" Zalaznik the First (right) Can you guess which one is mine?

Being a full-time designer and father is hard work. People just don't understand the time and effort it takes to raise two rambunctious juveniles. Keeping them fed, warm, preventing them from shitting on your keyboard. It's a thankless job really. Until you have children you'll never understand the mental and physical toll it takes on you. It's like "DAD" we want crickets, "DAD" we want heat and UV lights so we don't die.

At the end of the day, after putting in 12 hours of work, tucking them into bed and reading them their favorite bed time stories is really what its all about. While they are too young to speak the dead look in their eyes tells me they love and appreciate me. 

It's a STAR WARS kind of XMAS...

Wanted to share a recent project I had been working on for an XMAS present. With all the hype of the new Star Wars movie, I wanted to make a unique present for a 7 year old Star Wars fan. I used my trusty Adobe Photoshop and a few man hours of research, to come up with this poster. I printed, framed it, and set it up next to the XMAS tree. Well, here is the result. He was sitting next to it on the couch XMAS morning like it was his best pal so I think it was a WIN! 

Patterson Comfort and Safety Radon Postcard

Front of postcard

Front of postcard

Once in awhile I create something that I am really pleased with the final result. This is one of those times. Working with Bret Patterson, we wanted his potential customers to be aware of the dangers of not having your home tested for radon. I went with a playful yet serious approach on getting people's attention.

Back of postcard

Back of postcard